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Short Story: Shadow

Written by Tayyaba Aziz & Saqib Hussain   After 30 minutes of struggling to focus on work, Moosa finally gave up. He stumbled in hi...

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Sweet Escape...: Daughters: Our Precious Pearls

Sweet Escape...: Daughters: Our Precious Pearls: My neighbors little four years old Rafeya is a sweetheart. Rafeya is the cutest little girl I have ever seen; she has big brown eyes and su...

Daughters: Our Precious Pearls

My neighbors little four years old Rafeya is a sweetheart. Rafeya is the cutest little girl I have ever seen; she has big brown eyes and super long black eyelashes, and a lovable smile. She comes to play with me every weekend. For me she is pure relief from the stress and she’s also my baking inspiration. We color together, play and have fun. Rest of the time is spent running around to keep her from destroying my cosmetics. Although she is so cute that all my expensive cosmetics seems worthless against her joy and excitement.
One day we were coloring together when I asked about her favorite song. At this moment I was expecting something cute like the Barney song, “I love you, you love me, we’re happy family…” or “Da Da Da Dora…”  

Rafeya slowly swept her long silky bangs aside and said casually, “Sunny Sunny” and started to color the doll again.
“What??!” I stopped in panic and stared at her.
“Sunny sunny” she replied with the same causality and ease in her tone.

My jaw dropped, I was dumfounded.  For sec or two I felt so helpless then I gathered myself and asked her the important and scary question.
“You haven’t seen the video of the song, right sweetie?” I asked with fingers crossed.
“Yeah I have seen the video, everybody is wearing shorts in it” she placed both her hands on her mouth and giggled loudly. Even in all that shock I couldn’t resist but smile at her simplicity.

We adults have to change the channel if we ever come across such trash on T.V. and this four year old little girl has seen it! It’s just heartbreaking, she is so innocent, and she doesn’t deserve to be exposed to stuff like that.
Then I asked who showed it to her? She told me her brother, which is even worse. Her brother is only nine years old.  
WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PARENTS? If you can buy your kids expensive stuff like iphones and ipads be responsible enough to watch how they use it.
First of all you don’t have to hand them devices like that if you can’t keep an eye on them, by the way they DO NOT need it yet.
Secondly if you have bought your child an ipone at this age then show them their boundaries. Spend time with them so that you can make them love our religion and Islamic culture. Teach them to despise all the immodest, forbidden and wrong things.

No wonder why we see boyfriends and girlfriends in school age these days. Every day on T.V when your child sees having boyfriend and girlfriend is no big deal, how could you expect them to think otherwise? And if you don’t have time to teach her at the innocent age don’t blame her later. Don’t cry later that you should have buried her at the time of her birth like the time of the Jahiliyya.
If you think I am being cruel or too harsh, and after reading this you want to pull your hair out, scream and run around in circles then hold on! I have the BEST solution.

I know parenting is not easy but all you have to do is insert the seed of IMAAN inside your child’s heart when they are little. Play your part perfectly, give your best and have faith in her. They are pure clay, this is the only time you can mold them into beautiful characters and charismatic personalities. Unfortunately our Pakistani parents think ALLAH(SWT)’s obligations come only when the teenage comes. NO! Our children are Muslims from the birth; they should be taught and reminded of being a Muslim each and every single day of their childhood. 
May ALLAH(SWT) help us raise our daughters pure and precious like pearls. Ameen…

Spirituality: This is Your Wake Up Call!

When you hear the word 'Spirituality' what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Saints, scholars, or ulemas? Why we perceive spirituality as something so beyond our reach?

Spirituality resides inside of us in a dormant way; all we have to do is activate it. Each and every one of us humans is in DIRECT connection with our Creator, only if we could see. And no matter who you are this connection is unavoidable. I know you have felt it too, this is the reason you can understand my point so clear.
It could be an hour of the day, or a past incident, a dream, something out of this world, that hits you and ignite this divine connection. However we are just human after all so we forget very quickly. Work, education, job, lifestyle, smart-phones, fashion, media, news, gossip, movies, games, facebook and what else is on your mind? How many other chains are you entangled in?

Young age is wasted on worries about the job, and living up to the so called high standards of the society. And how many sleepless nights to build a bigger house but not a better HOME. We perceive materials as a source of happiness, joy, pride, status, peace and satisfaction. No wonder why we see people texting even during their Salat these days. 
Salat is to remind us of that connection we have with our CREATOR. Since we human are bound to forget hence THE WISE ALLAH has blessed us with five reminders a day. When you are connected to ALLAH you will feel connected to more valuable precious things in life like your family, friends and neighbors, least connected to the materials. Materials more or less, luxury or not, they stay materials after all.

Even a person with little common sense and limited knowledge can be more spiritual than a person who has read a million books on spirituality. It’s how much you work on your relationship with your Lord. How much you give and how much you care about it. The most wise and intellect people should watch out for the loop holes like ego, pride, weaknesses, addictions, gaps and cracks. These loop holes can harm your spirituality and destroy you completely.
If you are waiting for a spiritual sign, a reality kick that open your eyes, a beautiful dream that shows you the path, a wise advice from a friend that melts your heart, a work of art that will change your life, then this is your wake up call.  Turn to ALLAH!

"So fall you down in prostration to ALLAH, and worship Him (Alone)"
Surah An-Najam (53) Ayat 62.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Big Dream: It’s Your Success Story

They tell us determination is required to follow your big dreams, but is this enough? Then why do people give up even those who are devoted and committed. The reason is they tell us half the story, skipping the nightmare realities. When one actually starts the journey they are struck by countless failures. These falls will break them and force them to give up soon. So here is the rest of the story. Failure is a small word, because on your road to success you will get Massive Attacks! It would be like getting hit by huge Volvo trucks driven by the blind drivers over and over again. Your work of art would be trashed, burned to ashes, and for the hard work all you get is a big MEH!   

Be ready to face the worse, for being prepared will provide you the needed tolerance. Even if you watch your hard work going to waste don’t skimp on it. They can destroy your work but don’t let them burn down the factory. You are the factory; talent is a limitless source so keep producing the best you have. The more they break you, tear you apart, the fierce your talent should ROAR back. Strongly believe that someday they will recognize the fighter, you will be heard.

Then there will be success days that will take you to a long trip to the sky. The next day you might find yourself back on the dirty ground. These are the worse type of falls that have enormous after-effects. Makes you hate it all and even yourself. If you can’t let it out in your work, then take a day off, go crazy break things, shout, beat people up, slap your little siblings, throw muffins at strangers on the road, do what you want. Then get back in the game as soon as you can. Be resilient don’t wait for healing. No one understands the hell you are going through so heal yourself. Find goods in everything rejoice even the tiny little successes you get. Even if it’s only a sign of a success it’s worth a freestyles insane Bhangra dance of yours.

Think of failures as the speed breakers, they are only there to change your pace for the next level. Only if you don’t lose your heart and use your head, failures will help you come back stronger than ever. Failures can be confusing, one day you might feel your big dream is about to become a reality and the door slams in your face. I know it’s a lot easy to say than to deal with. And this hits you right in the heart where your dream lives. It will have an adverse affect but as long as your heart is alive so is the Big Dream in it.

I have seen people giving up not because of the failure but because of the fear of competition with the giants. Remember success doesn't go to the best in the game; it goes to the one who fights for it LONGER.  Persistence is the hardest test; it is the acid that shines the precious diamond. The only thing you need to be irreplaceable and rare like diamonds is persistence.
Today if you are insulted, humiliated, ignored, laughed at, rejected, than the good news is you are on the right track! When no one believes you, believe yourself. The world will see you deserve it only if you can show how badly you want it. So here is the million dollar question you need to answer, for the success; How bad do you want it?