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Short Story: Shadow

Written by Tayyaba Aziz & Saqib Hussain   After 30 minutes of struggling to focus on work, Moosa finally gave up. He stumbled in hi...

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Secret Ingredient was NOT Love...

After so many years of experiments and explosions in the kitchen I thought of creating a cooking page. That’s downright hilarious; I’m way too lazy to run a single one. This far I've learned ways to remember difficult measurements in cooking. Truly it’s only about ratios. Forget grams and all that, just remember the right proportion and Voila! This brings in perfection, on the contrary still have to run after my brother to at least try the desserts made. “I MADE THIS FOR YOU!!!”
I was so restless the day I bought good quality dark chocolates. Couldn't wait to magically turn the goodness into chocolate fondant, or fudge or chocolate fondue. Then again too lazy for the hard work hence truffles was the finalized dessert. It had to be super easy and low in calorie. It would also block lame excuses of friends and family trying to escape it… MUHAHAHA!

Anyway this recipe was easy, process 1 cup of Nuts, Raisins and Dates in a food processor. Roll them into truffles and the actual recipe ends here. I customized it by coating these diet truffles with melted dark chocolate. It looked amazing, the glaze and the smell, YUM. The only problem was, it's 75% cocoa with Cocoa nibs and my forever zoned-out brain forgot to add sugar. Absolutely no added sugar made this delicious looking dessert taste something like bitter-(a bit sweet)-BITTER again! Today I realize what the phrase ‘All is well that ends well’ actually mean.
Maybe in some other part of the world someone might like it but my extremely Desi friends and family didn't.  We have a sweet tooth and the height of it is, the first dark chocolate I bought was thrown in the trashcan! No kidding. Well I didn't know cooking back then. Ah how ironic!

Tailor-made recipes for ungrateful loved ones are not easy. Harder is to hear their honest remarks for your hard work. It kind of reminds me of how ungrateful spoiled brats we used to be. And how our mother would cook tailor-made dishes for everyone. Sometimes she would cook extra treats just 'cause we didn't like some vegetables. 
I used to be brutally honest Cook heart-breaker but not anymore. When it’s good, appreciate. If it’s really bad, don’t say anything. For bad cooking requires the same amount of effort or more. Be thankful if someone cooks for you, and be patient if you cook for them.

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